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How to log off from FTP server when you don’t seem to be able to log off

How can you completely log off from your FTP server ?

You logged in with your user name and pass word and once you are in the File manager,

you realised that when you are done with the FTP, there is no way for you to log out.

Evan the cpanel FTP account does not have a switch for you to turn off the FTP session !!!

You log out of your cpanel session but still able to access your FTP site using ftp:http://ftp.website.com

After waiting out for an hour or so, the system still doesn’t log out. The way to solve it is this:

a) If you have more than 1 browser turned on, make sure that you go to both cookies and delete

the history from all the browsers.

b) Navigate –> Setting –> Options  –> Delete browser history ( depending on the browser)

c) When you access ftp.website.com again, it will ask you for your password and username for the ftp.

Your session has terminated.

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