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How to remove Canon Multipass 4 in PC

Do you have this problem:

1) You go into your Windows “add/remove” program to remove this Canon multipass software and you cannot move pass the screen which says: ” Status Monitoring running. Exit application for the installer to function”

2) You close the status monitoring, shut down the processes under “services” for all your MPservices, which is basically for running the multipass services. Then you hit the remove button again and nothing happens ? What do you do next ?

3)The wizard does not allow you to continue with the software removal and you are wondering why ? Acutally, if you look carefully, you have set the printer to startup on booting up during your initial installation. Although you think you have shut down the processes in the SERVICES menu under MPServices; close your Multiplass Toolbar , there is ONE step missing.

4) You have to go to the Monitor status dialog box, that is , the one that pops up and has the title Monitor status. Right click on it and if you see that there is a check box on Startup , then uncheck it. Saved the step. The removal program will now think that the Monitor status process is NO longer live and will continue the removal wizard steps.

5) Go to the Removal/Add program and try to remove the Multipass now. The wizard will now go through to the end when you select to remove the software completely. Enjoy.

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