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How to solve corrupted and unreadable files

If you have an XP computer and you receive an error message that says your files have been corrupted and are non readable, what do you do ?

You try to delete it but it will not allow you to click on it or to open up the files. You try a number of programmes to unlock these files, but most of them will end up telling you that there is nothing for you to unlock and you would be back to square one.

The first stop  that you should go to is the support database from microsoft. It has all the dated files from XP to Vista (dead?) and to Windows 7 on the subject.

If your hardisk had been formatted to NTFS, this is usually the problem because of the checking comparison. Well, they have a way to fix it.

Step 1: Go to Start –> Run

Step2: Type CMD


For example: chkdsk e:/f

The “F” is for fixing the checkdisk errors that it detects. All the errors related to the corrupted files will be fixed.

Step 4: Go to the once corrupted file and see if you can click on it.

You then decide what you want to do with these files.


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