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Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 How to make the new language the default one when you turn on PC

February 8th, 2014


You have set previously the language to be say UK English, but now decided to change it to US English.

One reason is because the stupid keyboard will show up the $ key instead of the  @ key .


Navigate –> Search –> Control Panel –> Clock, Language, and Region\Language\Advanced settings

At the advanced setting :–> Override for Windows default language –> Select the US English –> Save


There you have it, the Every Day solution for how to make the US English the default language and get rid of

the annoying $ key and forever replace that with the @ key

Microsoft word menu bar ( aka ribbon ) disappears on typing document

February 7th, 2014


Do you have an issue when you are trying to type the document and you need to use the fonts and other

functions at the menu bar but it keeps disappearing, only appearing when you click on to the top menu selection ?



It’s because the Ribbon option is set to  “minimise”.

Navigate –> Home –> “Right click” –> UNCHECK “MINIMISE RIBBON ”


Problem solved ! Here is your ” How to solve disappearing tool bar or menu bar in Microsoft word document “

xBox one vs xBox360 which is worth it ?

December 1st, 2013

xBox one has launched to much fanfare with one million users queuing up for that Christmas purchase.

But is it worth it ? This is the story of one user who decided to wait out for one week after the launch and

this is what he discovered :

a) The price of XBOX 360 has dropped by $100 by some retail stores

b) They throw in a freebie for xbox live to include a 12 months free subscription

c) He gets a free blaster 4, the lastest game for FREE !

d) On top of that , he gets a free wireless controller.

e) Next, he was given a free software Fable Journey free .

If you calculate what he gets … literally XBox 360 comes close to FREE !

You decide.