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How to use Free DropBox Review

April 8th, 2011

If you are looking for a free 2G hard-disk that is hosted by cloud computing concept where you can assess your data everywhere on the internet, then you may think that Drop Box the free software is for you.


Here is the catch – What I don’t like about it :

1. If you are on a public PC say in the internet cafe and you do not have the drop box installed there, you are toast man !

2.If you share your files that you have in your drop box with your clients , they will need to install the same before they can see it. Most corporations will not allow their computers to randomly install software, let alone your working computer that you are allowed to bring home. This is a major restriction and means that drop box is not seriously positioned for corporate use.

3.If you put things in your public folder, everyone else gets to see it but wait, why would that happen if you do not want people to see? Most of the drag and drop these days do have a couple of accidental drop in. I have not tested the public option to see if you have any feature for you to safe-guard. Till then,  I would only use drop box for the not serious stuff like sharing pictures and photos, videos etc

What I like:

1. The gallery is awesome. You just need to put all your pictures there and you have your own gallery without having to sign up with some flimsy gallery website that has loads of other advertisements.

2. It has a nice link code that allows you to paste in your regular email and you do not need to have any drop box installed from anywhere in the web. As long as you can assess your link, you have it!

3.I like the 2G space as it is pretty generous for non commercial usage like photosharing and other non serious stuff.

Here you have it, maybe with better features coming, I may add more stuff I like


How to make sure cache security in word document

March 22nd, 2011

Have you been fond of doing screen capture and pasting them in your word document ?

Well, this is one of my favorite uses of quickly incorporating password and even sensitive credit card information whilst using the internet is by making a backup of them in word document while filling up a form in the internet . You would then think that the information that is cache is just stored in the internet cache right ? Logically, you clear the cache by going into the browser’s tool-option and clear the cache there and all the temporary files with it. But is that all ? I used to think so, believing that all my sensitive information will just be in the browser’s cache and all will be fine.

To my horror, one day, I was doing the same with my microsoft word document and decided to look into the CLIP BOARD. To my surprise, my sensitive information that I had screen captured many days ago have all been stored in the microsoft CLIP BOARD and anyone using my PC for browsing can easily see this information!

This is how you need to do one last step if you are fond of screen capture and pasting the sensitive information into word document for backup.

Navigate in your MS word document –> Edit–> Office CLIPBOARD and make sure that the clipboard is empty.


How to solve corrupted and unreadable files

February 22nd, 2011

If you have an XP computer and you receive an error message that says your files have been corrupted and are non readable, what do you do ?

You try to delete it but it will not allow you to click on it or to open up the files. You try a number of programmes to unlock these files, but most of them will end up telling you that there is nothing for you to unlock and you would be back to square one.

The first stop  that you should go to is the support database from microsoft. It has all the dated files from XP to Vista (dead?) and to Windows 7 on the subject.

If your hardisk had been formatted to NTFS, this is usually the problem because of the checking comparison. Well, they have a way to fix it.

Step 1: Go to Start –> Run

Step2: Type CMD


For example: chkdsk e:/f

The “F” is for fixing the checkdisk errors that it detects. All the errors related to the corrupted files will be fixed.

Step 4: Go to the once corrupted file and see if you can click on it.

You then decide what you want to do with these files.
